How to Boost Your WiFi with RangeXTD Setup?
Installing a RangeXTD WiFi extender in the house is one of the wisest and greatest decisions made by a person. This range extender is capable of improving the WiFi range at a great extent. Therefore, you should call yourself lucky if you have performed RangeXTD WiFi extender setup in your house. But, are you actually making the most of the combo of your extender and router? Doubtful? No worries! Ask yourself the question given in this post and verify if you have done things right or wrong. Keep reading.
Boosting WiFi with RangeXTD Setup: Questions to Ask
You are supposed to walk through the following questions one-by-one and think thoroughly about various factors discussed below so that you can have a better experience using your RangeXTD device.
Is Your RangeXTD Extender Present Near the Router?
If the distance between your RangeXTD extender and the root router is more than 8-10 ft, then it is a sign that you have not taken care of this very important factor. Your devices must be present in each other’s range to deliver optimal results. This distance decreases depending on the physical impedances present in the path of communication of both devices. However, you must not make this distance zero.
Have You Placed the Extender in an Interference-free Zone?
After the RangeXTD WiFi booster setup, a person is advised to relocate the extender so that all the devices present in the home network can gain access to the extended network. But, if you place the extender in an interference zone, you will not be able to get the maximum output. A WiFi interference zone is an area where you have placed your devices emitting electromagnetic frequencies and objects containing a large amount of water.
Do You Regularly Update the Firmware of Your RangeXTD Extender?
Updating the extender’s firmware is another way to boost WiFi range with RangeXTD setup. This is for your general information that when the extender is made to run on an outdated firmware version, its performance gets degraded by time. In the lack of the latest firmware version, the extender starts lacking the latest features and technologies that are possessed by the contemporary devices. Thus, updating the extender’s firmware is important. You can do that by accessing the RangeXTD login page.
Is Your Router Running on Appropriate WiFi Channel?
Despite being an important point, a lot of users ignore considering it. People, while setting up the range extender in their houses do not pay attention to the channel on which the root router is running. As a result, they end up having a poor performance with the range extender. Therefore, we recommend you log in to the main router and check the channel on which it is running. In case, the chosen one is crowded, you should pick the one that is least crowded.
Are the Cables Connected to the Extender Working Properly?
If you have set up the RangeXTD extender in the Router or AP mode, then you might have connected it to the host device using an Ethernet cable. Is that cable well working? Well, it needs to be free of cuts and most importantly it should be connected to the correct ports of your devices. Therefore, verify both the things and make amendments if needed.
Reboot the RangeXTD Device Weekly: There are chances that your extender works 24/7. In that scenario, possibilities of the WiFi extender falling a victim to technical glitches increase. To rule out that possibility, we advise you restart the extender once a week.
To Wrap Up
Hopefully, you’ve answered all the above-asked questions honestly and have made the corrections depending upon your requirements. Now, we are anticipating that you are making the most of your RangeXTD network. Just in case, you are still unhappy with the extender’s output, we recommend you perform a factory default reset and set it up in the desired mode.