How to Link RangeXTD extender to Nighthawk XR500?
You can easily link RangeXTD extender to Nighthawk XR500 WiFi router with the help of the WPS method and manual method. Learn how to complete the RangeXTD set up with different method of connections.
Check Nighthawk XR500 Settings First
Before connected to the RangeXTD extender with XR500 router, you should check the router settings and make sure it is not configured as in AP mode. To check follow these steps:
- Connect your computer to the XR500 router network.
- Open the web browser and enter the URL address
- Press ENTER key to search and reach to the login page.
- Enter the login username and password.
- Reach the dashboard and turn off the AP mode (if activated).
- Also check all settings are configured as in router mode.
Now, let’s link RangeXTD extender to Nighthawk XR500 via WPS method.
Link RangeXTD Extender to Nighthawk XR500 Via WPS Method
- Plug your extender in the wall socket near to your WiFi router.
- Press the WPS button on the extender and router.
- Wait for a few seconds, and your RangeXTD extender will link to router automatically.
- Plug the extender to the power socket close to the router and turn it on.
- Link your PC or laptop with the extender network via LAN cable or Wi-Fi.
- Open browser and search the extender default IP address
- The RangeXTD login page will open up, where type in admin username and password.
- Reach the interface dashboard, select the WiFi router network which you want to extend.
- Enter the Security key or password to connect and get to the Create Network page.
- Type in extender SSID username and password of your choice that will connect your internet device with extended network.
- Click on SAVE button to end the configuration.
Now, you have linked extender with router within default settings. Let’s see how you can link RangeXTD extender to Nighthawk XR500 router through Manual method.
Configure RangeXTD WiFi Extender Settings via Manual Method
Now, you have linked the rangeXTD extender to Nighthawk XR500 router with manual method.